Selected Presentations
Theme maximalization through modifiers: A case of Mandarin verbal classifier bian
January 2024. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Sheraton New York Times Square.
Syntax and semantics of the verbal classifier bian in Mandarin Chinese (with Shumian Ye)
August 2023. The 25th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, Dongguk University.
Theme maximalization encoded by verbal classifiers: bian in Mandarin Chinese
April 2023. International Workshop on Maximalization Strategies in the Event Domain, University of Debrecen.
Pluractionality via competition: VV in Mandarin Chinese (with Shumian Ye)
September 2022. Sinn und Bedeutung 27, Charles University. [Poster] [Slides]
Diminutives at word level and root level: -er in Colloquial Beijing Mandarin
September 2022. Dissecting Morphological Theory 3 (held in conjunction with International Morphology Meeting 20), Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. [Slides]
August 2022. ESSLLI 33 Student Session, National University of Ireland, Galway. [Paper][Poster] [Slides]
The mechanism of lexicalization in hen-shi
September 2020. NACCL-32, University of Connecticut.
The syntactic position of duration phrases in Chinese
December 2019, ISOCTAL-3, University College Cork.
Chinese verbal classifiers at the syntax-semantics interface
May 2019, IACL-27, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies.